Helen Youn at home with family

I was Messy and Disorganized

People always assume I’ve always been organized but that wasn’t the case prior to my KonMari journey. Decluttering and organizing wasn’t a skill I learned at home or at school.

Growing up, I loved to arrange and rearrange my room, but every time I tried to organize it, the result wouldn’t last. I had all kinds of organizing containers, but it was never enough because I loved to collect things. Eventually I accepted the fact that I was just a messy person - I thought you’re either born a mess or born organized and there’s nothing you can do about it. Somehow I was convinced my ‘organized chaos’ fueled my creativity even though it did just the opposite. I remember feeling overwhelmed in my space and I now see how much it affected my mental and physical health. Life is so much easier when you simplify.

Becoming a KonMari Consultant

In the process of completing a KonMari Tidying Festival, not only did my home undergo a dramatic transformation, but every aspect of my life changed as well. Most importantly, I found joy again and the change I experienced led me to re-evaluate everything in my life, ultimately resulting in a career change. In 2016, I joined the KonMari Consultant Program and became one of the first Certified KonMari Consultants in the world. Since 2018, I’ve also been an instructor for the KonMari Consultant Program, training people around the world to become KonMari consultants and helping Marie Kondo’s mission to “Organize the World.”

Currently, I’m a Master KonMari Consultant, which is the highest consultant badge level. I am also a Trained Professional Organizer, which means I am well versed in various methods of organizing.

Why you should work with me?

I know what it’s like to feel frustrated tidying the same space over and over again and feeling like you can never get organized. I used to be a shopaholic with more shoes and makeup than I’d need in a lifetime, so I know if I can do this, anyone can. That’s why I don’t judge and am just happy to help! I truly feel it’s an honour to be part of someone’s tidying journey. Truly, nothing makes me happier than seeing my clients live their best lives. It’s why I do what I do!

I am experienced! As one of the first certified KonMari Consultants in the world and in Canada, I’ve seen it all. I’ve worked with people from all walks of life, in all stages of life, and in all types of homes. My experiences have helped me work efficiently, so we can declutter and organize faster and achieve better results.

We’ll have fun! Many of my clients say I make organizing fun and easy, and they actually look forward to our sessions. Yes, it will be hard work and yes, it will be tiring, but I’ll be right there with you every step of the way. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry—it will be fun!

More about me

When I’m not organizing or speaking, I love to do tea tastings (I am currently studying to become a Tea Sommelier), attend events, festivals and shows in my city, tend to my balcony garden, bake treats, and watch ALL the guilty pleasure shows on TV (No, I don’t think Love is Blind and I do keep up with the Kardashians 😂)

Ready to get started? Let’s chat!

Helen Youn is a Master KonMari Consultant and Trained Professional Organizer in Calgary.





KonMari Journey

How I went from being an overwhelmed mom to becoming an organizing expert

Helen’s YouTube Channel


Ready? Booking a consultation call is the first step!