Helen Youn

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5 questions to ask when decluttering your clothes

April 30, 2021

Here are 5 questions you should ask when decluttering your clothes. They say most people only wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time. This was definitely true for me too prior to my simplifying journey. If your goal is to simplify your wardrobe to have only what you love and wear in your closet, then definitely keep reading.

The first question is - Does it Spark Joy?

This is of course the most important question and the first question to ask yourself when you’re joy checking. What does spark joy mean? It means you have to feel it in your heart. As a KonMari Consultant, I have worked with many people and I can often tell if something sparks joy. When you feel that sense of joy, you can’t really hide it. And I often see a smile appear on people’s faces. They are excited to have this item. Whereas when something doesn’t spark joy, a major sign is when people start to justify why they have it. There’s always a sense of guilt - like when people spent too much on it, or if it’s something they haven’t even taken the tags off, or if it’s a gift and they don’t want the other person to find out they want to let it go. If you think about your favourite item in your wardrobe - the one that makes you feel amazing - there is no guilt in owning that item! What you spent on that item becomes secondary - it it was expensive, you know it was well worth the cost and you would spend that money again. If it was cheap, that’s just a bonus. When it comes down to it, if it sparks joy, you’re just happy to have this item.

The second question is - Does it fit and flatter me now?

If you haven’t decluttered your wardrobe in a while, you’re bound to have items that no longer fit and flatter you and that is ok and totally normal. Our wardrobe is part of our daily lives and the clothing you wear everyday should make you feel your best. If your wardrobe is filled with items that doesn’t fit or flatter you, it’s going to start your day on the wrong foot. If you think about it, if you were getting dressed and every single item you put on is too small or too tight, it is not going to be good for your self confidence. What if you were already in a rush to go somewhere? This used to be me getting ready for work, I would change like 100 times before leaving the house, be late, and still didn’t feel good about what I was wearing. Life is hard enough as it is, we don’t need to add another layer of stress to it. This is why every single item you own, including loungewear and pajamas, should fit and flatter you so you always feel your best.

The third question is - Is It Comfortable?

Because if it’s not, the chance of you actually wearing it drops dramatically. And what’s the point of keeping this item in your wardrobe if you’re not going to actually wear it? In my 20s, I would think it’s ok to suffer for fashion. At least I convince myself that I’d be ok with it when I try on the item at the store. However, in reality I never end up wearing the items that are not comfortable. This is why I think it’s important for everything to be comfortable.  Comfort doesn’t mean oversized sweatpants. Fitted tailored items can be comfortable as well. It might not be what you lounge around in but it’ll be comfortable enough that it’s not going to be a distraction from your day.

The fourth question is - Would I Buy This Item Again?

I want you to think about this as in, let say you misplaced this item - like you lost your luggage or if it’s gets ruined in the wash, would you be devastated? Would you want to replace it? If it was available in the stores, you would pay full price for it because you know it’ll be worth every penny? I don’t mean to buy a second one or a back up one but if the one you have is gone today, would you want it back?

The final question is - Does This Item Fit my Ideal Lifestyle?

In my opinion, The purpose of tidying up your home is to create a space that supports you to live your life. This means you’re being intentional with how you spend your time and what you need in that life. Since we wear clothing everyday, clothing is part of that ideal lifestyle. Ideal lifestyle is not this aspirational life you want in 10-20-30 years. It’s about living your real life in a way that brings you joy. So what is the lifestyle that will bring you the most joy? What would you be wearing in your ideal life? If you’re just starting your konmari journey, it’s important to sit down and think about this before you start.

That’s it for now - happy decluttering!